Consulting Services

The X2I team will help yours to tackle your technological challenges with a modern solution. We can work together to keep your deliveries on time and your own services at a 100% availability.

Agile Methodology

If this is your first step into organizing your workflow, we're there to help you make this step. Agile Development involves a cycle of planning, executing, and evaluation, because the creation of your system or application needs to be kept in check. This type of working often boosts productivity by keeping everyone engaged, and reduces bugs in your final product.

Devops Training

Devops is a mindset as well as a collection of technologies, and is the next step for an Agile Development team. We can work with your developers as well as management to make sure everyone is on the same page. We can even come on-site and leave behind some our architects to make the transition to modern devops technologies is fluid.

Application Testing Automation

With todays devops technology, it is now possible to almost entirely automate your testing process as long as you stay within the boundaries of software that they are designed for. Tasks can be set up upon an application being uploaded to version control, testing functions and API boundaries set up ahead of time. This can reduce the amount of time you have to spend on testing, which can be then put towards the next application.

System Architecture

Still using crontab? Not monitoring your system activity? We can help, and make sure you build secure, portable systems that are designed for security and a container first approach. We can keep your databases always available, and provide data-scrambling techniques so your developers aren't working with production data by accident.